I ran into a list of some of my favorite general books on housekeeping and making a home and thought I’d share here, since I’m making yet another pizza for dinner tonight and you probably don’t need another picture of that. These are all affiliate links and I’ll make a bit of money if you buy something from Amazon after clicking through to their web site. These are all older books so probably available used or at your library.
Home Comforts : The Art and Science of Keeping House Your home should be a place of respite and comfort. If you are just starting out and wondering how to do keep it clean and comfortable, this book has everything you ever wanted to know about keeping house.
Speed Cleaning Hate housework but like a clean house? This book will show you how to clean, with or without a partner, at top speed.
Organize Your Home! : Simple Routines for Managing Your Household Looking for ideas on how to get the housework and home routines under control? This will help.
Creating a Beautiful Home Fun reading and full of creative do-able ideas to make your home nice for you, based on your needs.
Living a Beautiful Life : 500 Ways to Add Elegance Order Beauty and Joy to Every Day of Your Life An interior decorator tells you hundreds of small ways to enjoy your life and home. Her focus isn’t on big fancy rooms (unless you like them!) but more how to bring magic into the everyday parts of your life.
The Circle of Simplicity: Return to the Good Life Many of us are rethinking our lives, determining what is vital to us and how we really want to live. There is no one answer for everyone — other than to make sure that how you are spending your time and energy is worthwhile to you.
Making a Living Without a Job: Winning for Creating Works That You Love Want to break out of the 9-5 routine? Have too many ideas of things you would love to do but can’t figure out a way to make money from them? This book will get the creative juices flowing. You will fight with the urge to put the book down and go get started versus continuing to read because each chapter has more great ideas! Definitely a book to re-read several times.
Please share some of your favorite books in the comments!
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