
First egg!

Friday my chicken guy came and took a rooster, swapping him for an older hen he said was about ready to lay.   She started squawking loudly today around noon, hopping into and out of the coop, digging around in the shavings all over, in the nesting boxes and out. I thought she was getting ready to lay but wasn’t sure how long it was going to take and finally had to go back in and get some more work done.  Looked out the window a while later and noticed she was back on the ground and went and found her first egg in one of the nesting boxes, right where it’s supposed to be!







4 responses to “First egg!”

  1. CJ McD Avatar
    CJ McD

    That would have been my first choice too. *S*

  2. Ellen Avatar

    A simple fried egg for breakfast! Daughter ate #2 scrambled for an after school snack.

  3. CJ McD Avatar
    CJ McD

    Poached over toast? Fresh mayo? Carbonara?

    What will you make first?

  4. CJ McD Avatar
    CJ McD


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