Easy Red Potatoes

The price of Russet potatoes is pretty hard to beat when I can get them at .79 for a ten pound bag fairly regularly. In the theme of CheapCooking, how can you go wrong? But for the sake of variety, red potatoes are awfully nice now and then and I picked some up today to go with the pot roast. I had already decided not to cook them with the pot roast. I’ve been less than thrilled with the way potatoes come out in pot roasts, although I love the meat and carrots.

Initially, I thought I’d just scrub them and microwave them. Very easy and very good. But then I made the mistake of thumbing through a few books, including a Cooking Light collection. It called for cooking the quartered potatoes in oil in a frying pan the whole time. I microwaved them until almost done, then fried in olive oil with minced garlic until crisp.

Easy Red Potatoes


  • 8 medium sized red potatoes quartered
  • 1 Tbs olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 tsp dried parsley


  • Scrub the potatoes and microwave them in a covered dish until almost cooked. (Poke them with a fork and make sure they’re tender.)
  • Heat the oil and fry the garlic a minute until soft, then add the potatoes.
  • Cook, stirring, until browned on all sides, about 10-15 minutes on medium.
  • Salt and pepper to taste and sprinkle with parsley.

Goes great with pot roast!







3 responses to “Easy Red Potatoes”

  1. […] hours. If you like, make some gravy from the sauce. I chose to cook the carrots with the roast and cook some red potatoes separately. I also made […]

  2. […] Broiled Salmon Steaks, Red Potatoes with Herbs, […]

  3. Jensgalore Avatar

    When I lived in Idaho I stuck up my nose and wouldn’t pay the store tried to charge more than .99 for a 10 pound bag of Russets. Alas, living on the east coast now I am not so lucky. I just bought two 5 pound bags of Russets yesterday for $1.50 each. That’s right. $3 for 10 pounds of potatoes. And that was on sale. I miss my cheap potatoes! 🙁

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