making meatballs

Meatballs and Mashed Potatoes with Mushroom Sauce

I can make good meatballs and I do sometimes. And sometimes I buy the bags of frozen premade ones because they’re so dang handy and taste pretty good. Tonight I thawed some by simmering a handful in some hot water for a bit, while I peeled, cut, and boiled some potatoes for mashed potatoes. When they seemed thawed and heated through I drained all but about a 1/2 cup of the water (and poured what I drained on the dog’s food–boy did he think he got a treat!). I added a can of cream of mushroom soup and heated that while I made the mashed potatoes. I’ve got a whole page printed out of things to do with pre-made meatballs from years ago and this was one of the ideas on it. Came out pretty good, sort of like poor man’s quick and dirty stroganoff. Served with a vegetable on the side, carrots or peas both seem good to me, it made a pretty easy satisfying meal.

To top that off, I made an apple streusel pie. Recipe another day!







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