Since neither of us were starving tonight but we still needed to eat dinner, I opted for a sandwich. One of us had had a chicken taco salad for lunch so I didn’t want to do another “salad with meat” thing. I had these fantastic breaded chicken cutlets from the other night so went for those and pulled some hamburger buns out of the freezer.
I heated the cutlets in the oven at 350 and put the hamburger buns by the vent outlet (where the hot air comes out) to defrost. Not sure all ovens have those but my gas one sure does and it comes in handy for keeping things warm or defrosting.
I sliced up some mozzarella cheese and melted it on top of the leftover chicken cutlets after they were warm. Then I sliced a tomato and some lettuce. I made the hot sauce recipe from here but was frankly less than impressed. So next time I’ll just skip it or dump some hot sauce on the chicken directly. I mixed up a bit of blue cheese dressing from here, but again was less than impressed. I had mine with the both the hot sauce and the blue cheese dressing, plus the lettuce and tomato and cheese. The sandwich was good but I think it would have been just as good without either the hot sauce or the blue cheese dressing. My daughter ate hers with just ketchup and had some carrot sticks on the side.
Edited to add: Here’s a better blue cheese dressing recipe.
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