Category: Seafood

  • Salmon Cakes from Leftover Salmon

    Salmon Cakes from Leftover Salmon

    I used a recipe from my all time favorite The Fannie Farmer Cookbook: Anniversary and turned crab cakes into salmon cakes tonight, using the salmon leftover from last night, breadcrumbs and all. Another hit! This actually came out a bit moister than necessary. It tasted absolutely wonderful but might have been a bit easier to…

  • Slow Cooked Salmon

    Slow Cooked Salmon

    My parents came down yesterday. Everyone but me loves salmon so I decided to fix that, plus it went with my kid-oriented Valentine theme of pink and red. I also had red potatoes, hearts of palm salad, and asparagus. Okay, the asparagus sort of blew the theme but we all love it. The girls had…

  • Easy Fruity White Fish

    Easy Fruity White Fish

    I am on a “pantry challenge” of sorts, trying to use up most of what I’ve stocked up on previously. January is always a welcome month to cut back on the spending and I’m well-stocked with food, plus have oranges and lemons on the trees and a few leeks left in the garden. I had…

  • Poached Salmon in Soy Sauce Marinade

    Poached Salmon in Soy Sauce Marinade

    I do really try sometimes, but I’m just not a fish lover. However, both my girls somehow love fish and salmon in particular. I know it’s good for you. I try to buy the wild salmon which is not “CheapCooking” unless you consider your long-term health costs! But it’s strange to try to cook something…

  • Salmon with Peach-Tomato Salsa

    Salmon with Peach-Tomato Salsa

    I set out tonight with the memory of the delicious salmon dinner my brother and sister-in-law prepared for us up in Washington state last week. We’d gone to Pike’s Market in Seattle and picked up some fresh wild salmon for dinner. My brother created a foil “tray” with a lip slightly larger than the salmon…