Here’s a different one, for me at least. I didn’t measure a whole bunch when I made these Green Beans with Peanut Sauce so I’ll try to approximate here.
Green Beans with Peanut Sauce
- 1 Tbs soy sauce
- 2 garlic cloves minced
- 1 tsp sesame seeds toasted
- 1 tsp brown sugar
- 1 tsp peanut butter
- 1/2 pound green beans
- 2 tsp oil
- Mix everything but the green beans and oil. I toasted the sesame seeds by heating a dry frying pan and toasting them that way
- Heat the oil and fry the green beans quickly, until just crisp-tender. I used frozen green beans and they came out good, although I’m sure fresh ones would be better. Mix the beans with the other ingredients and serve.
The green beans had a nice Asian sort of flavor with the peanut butter and sesame seeds. I’d do maybe a little more soy sauce and garlic next time. I used chunky peanut butter by the way because I bought some by accident and the girls don’t like it. I think it would be good with either.
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