Just a quick note… Last summer at some point I read about some unusual (to me) things that people keep in their freezers. Potato chips. Marshmallows. And a few others I don’t remember…but the marshmallows stuck in my mind. I had bought an outside fire pit with some birthday money and we had really enjoyed it last summer. Sitting outside on summer nights, with the grownups drinking a glass of wine while the fire warmed us and the kids waited eagerly for coals became a tradition. The girls and their friends quickly glommed on to the fact that they should remind us to start the fire early enough to make good coals for roasting marshmallows. And if we had graham crackers and chocolate, ‘smores were high on the list of featured treats!
I did remember to put the fire pit in the shed so it was sheltered from the rain this winter. I saw it there when I pulled out the rototiller to get the vegetable garden ready a few weeks ago. The girls were all ready right then and there to start a fire and roast marshmallows again. And it reminded me that I wanted to pass along this tip. Unless you can easily eat a bag of marshmallows up in a couple of weeks, you’re probably going to find a bag in your pantry of melted together lumps of sugar at some point. Yes, you can pry them apart, sort of.
At some point late last summer I threw a bag into the freezer to test out the tip I’d read. I pulled the bag out periodically this past winter to add to some hot chocolate. It was so easy to pull out the bag, pull out a marshmallow or two. (Or three. We like marshmallows in hot chocolate!) So rather than tossing out gross old stuck-together marshmallows we’ve managed to just continue using up the one bag we bought.
So throw that bag of marshmallows in the freezer and just pull out what you need, when you need it.
I’d be curious about what others have frozen that allows them avoid throwing away food.
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