Reality TV hits the Cooking Shows

I love watching cooking shows on television, although I don’t remember often enough to do it regularly and don’t have anything but the most basic cable. I’ve caught an episode of Jacques Pepin’s Fast Food My Way, which was fun. The website has some fun little videos to watch as well. You can always learn so much by watching.

The other day I read in the paper that there was a local thing going on whereby they brought two chefs into someone’s private home and they had to cook dinner using only the ingredients that were on hand. The family only had about an hour’s notice so there was no last minute shopping going on. Then the family voted on who had made the best tasting dishes.

Now I see that PBS is doing the opposite of that with a reality show called Cooking Under Fire, where contestants cook in a restaurant. So if you like to cook and have a yen to perform in public, they’re seeking 12 contestants. You can audition or send in a video tape.

I won’t be applying but I might be watching come April.






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