Category: Seafood

  • Crab Cakes from Leftover Fresh Crab

    Crab Cakes from Leftover Fresh Crab

    Hopefully you can splurge now and then on some special food, whatever that is for your family. And then if there are leftovers you certainly don’t want to waste them! For us, or at least for me, it’s fresh crab, which is in season right now. It’s our traditional New Year’s Eve dinner and such…

  • Spicy Shrimp in Coconut Sauce

    Spicy Shrimp in Coconut Sauce

    A friend passed along some older issues of Cooking Light magazine last weekend. I got fixed on using up some frozen shrimp I had  so browsed through a few issues for some ideas.  There were several that sounded quite good and I settled on this one.  I made some steamed rice and snow peas to…

  • Teriyaki Salmon

    Teriyaki Salmon

    My youngest wants to eat a bit “lighter,” less beef for one. She toyed with being vegetarian for a bit but that was a bit strict for her.  She missed a few key things.  🙂  I’ve been reading Japanese Women Don’t Get Old or Fat: Secrets of My Mother’s Tokyo Kitchen, which I bought used…

  • Shrimp and Sausage Gumbo Recipe

    Shrimp and Sausage Gumbo Recipe

    This comes almost straight out of The Perfect Recipe for Losing Weight and Eating Great, a cookbook I liked so much I sent copies to my sister and best friend. I really like Pam Anderson’s books and have several. This one appealed to me because it deals with the “eating lunch at home” issue. I…

  • Tuna Casserole Recipe: An Old Favorite

    Tuna Casserole Recipe: An Old Favorite

    My youngest asked for tuna casserole tonight!  It’s been a long time since I made this so I browsed a few cookbooks and ended up with following the basic recipe in Joy of Cooking: 75th Anniversary Edition – 2006, which is really a great source of all kinds of great recipes, even old fashioned casseroles!…