Category: Make Ahead

  • How to Make a Stir Fry

    How to Make a Stir Fry

    For a quick meal, a nice stir fry can’t be beat, especially with bits from the garden.  I usually mix up something like this Beef and Broccoli Stir Fry but when I read the post on Northwest Edible Life about keeping a Mason jar of stir fry sauce in the fridge I had to try…

  • Cooking Sunday

    Cooking Sunday

    Sometimes the best way to save money is to do as much as you can on the weekends to make your week go more smoothly.  To that end, today I: Mixed up and refrigerated a tart crust to make a quiche later this week (recipe from Around My French Table: More Than 300 Recipes from…

  • Make Ahead Mexican Ground Beef Mix

    Make Ahead Mexican Ground Beef Mix

    Another good one from Cheap. Fast. Good! Just a good basic Mexican flavored ground beef mix, suitable for burritos, enchiladas, taco salad, quesadillas, and nachos.  In all honest, the first night we had it for burritos and I thought it would have been better without the sour cream. But two nights later on a taco…

  • Make Your Own Taco Seasoning Mix

    Make Your Own Taco Seasoning Mix

    I haven’t bought a packet of taco seasoning mix in years because when I make tacos I do this.   But sometimes recipes call for a packet of taco seasoning mix and just a bit of cumin doesn’t seem like it will do the trick. Try this instead, courtesy of the book Make-A-Mix. Actually that’s a…

  • Cook Chicken Ahead and Freeze

    Cook Chicken Ahead and Freeze

    A few days I roasted two chickens. I like to cook chicken ahead and freeze it in small portions. We had part of one for one dinner, then a day later I pulled all the meat off the two carcasses, and made LOTS of chicken broth with them. I cubed the meat and then divided…